T Exponents 2022 Annual Retreat and Team Building Event

T Exponents Hosts Annual Retreat and Team Building Event 2022

On December 8th, T Exponents held our 2022 annual retreat and team building event.

We spent the day in a wonderful rooftop lounge with surrounding views of Seattle, Bellevue, and the snowcapped Cascade mountains.

The retreat brought together the T exponents family from across the country for a fun day of team building, strategizing, planning, and vision events. Proceedings were led by our very own Arthur Poczka, with different emphases throughout the day. Activities progressed from a focus on the development of each individual, to improving team cohesion, and then companywide goals and plans for the future.

Fun was had by all, and our growing team is feeling more united than ever as we get ready to enjoy the Holidays before making a strong and impactful start to 2023!